Friday, June 16, 2006

Last day in Guatemala

It's hard to believe that this whole amazing journey is coming to an end. At least for this chapter - we'll start a whole new one on Sunday.

For starters, we put Rebecca down at 10:00 last night and we had to wake her up at 8:00 this morning. Now we know what she CAN do!

We left the hotel around 10:00 this morning and took a taxi ride to Antigua. Anitgua is an historic town about 50 minutes southwest of Guatemala City. The ride there was worth the trip. It really meant a lot for us to see some of this beautiful country. We both didn't talk much on the way there or back as we were just taking in all of the sights. From the hustle and bustle of the city, to the plight of the poor living in shacks on the hillsides to the views from the foothills as we wound our way to Antigua.

Miss Rebecca slept on daddy's lap on the way there and on the way back (they don't use car seats here!). The town itself was fascinating - all the streets are cobblestone and there are beautiful catherdrals and old buildings. We had just a few hours to do some sightseeing and shopping.

We had lunch with a gal (Lisa) Laura met online who is fostering her daughter in Antigua. She had also invited two Guatemalan ladies that ride a chicken bus almost 2 hours each day to sell their handwoven goods on the streets of Antigua. She has befriended them and has even visited their village. Unfortunately Rebecca had had enough of sightseeing and she was not a happy camper during lunch, so we didn't get to visit as much as we would have liked. All in all, the day was a great experience and I am so thankful that we went there.
We are starting to get things packed as we will need to leave the hotel by 6:00am tomorrow morning to begin our journey home. We are really looking forward to being home and introducing Rebecca to her brothers and all our other friends and family. The boys have been having a great week. They got to see hot air balloons take off by Grammy's house and today they rode the "city bus" in Ann Arbor! They may be pretty bored with just us next week! :)
Thanks for following our journey this week. We'll try to post about our flight home in the next few days and also post some pictures of Rebecca with the boys!


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