Friday, April 22, 2005

Making Progress

Laura again -
A lot of things came together this week! We have six of our eight documents ready to go. We had our final Home Study visit with our Social Worker this morning. This time she came to our house. Everything went very well - David was charming and Steven, sweet as ever! By the end of next week, we should have a final draft of her report.
Our next step will be to send each of our documents to Lansing - to the Great Seal - this process is the "certification" of each of the notaries that were used. Once we receive those back, each of the documents is then sent to the Guatemalan consulate in Chicago to be "legalized". Once all of that is done our documents are considered "authenticated" and can be sent to our agency.
It's hard to believe we are already nearing the end of this part of the process. In some ways, this was the easy part for me. I was able to have a little bit of control over the timing of gettting it done and I had "stuff to do". Once this part is done - all we can do is wait. I am sure this will be the more difficult part. But all well worth it in the end.