Wednesday, November 23, 2005

TOP TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you tell I am a little excited about that? We found out last night that we are now #10 on the list. For some reason this means a lot to me! We have been on the list for 5 months - for the first 4 months there was one referral per month. In the last month there have been 4! I am so encouraged by this. Hopefully, this means that the tide has turned. There may be a bit of a slowdown through the holidays as the Guatemalan's close down for a bit longer than we Americans! In honor of being in the top ten and tomorrow being Thanksgiving - I thought I would share my TOP TEN THANKFUL LIST!

1. For a God who is the lover of my soul!
2. For my amazing husband - with whom I am honored to share in this adventure of life!
3. For my David - for his love of learning, curiosity, belly laugh and great hugs!
4. For my Steven - for his incredible smile, snuggles, singing and zeal for life!
5. For the topsy-turvy journey that will unite us with the daughter born in our hearts!
6. For our wonderful families that are supportive and loving!
7. For our faithful friends who make our lives so rich!
8. For the ability to stay home with my children!
9. For a roof over our heads, food on our table and warm beds!
10. For living in a free country - and for those that serve it faithfully!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and thanks for stopping in!