Thursday, September 08, 2005


I keep thinking, "I'll wait 'til tomorrow to post because maybe I will hear that the list has moved!" It hasn't - we are still at #16, but I feel the need for some blogging therapy! For the most part, I am more at peace than ever with the wait.
There has been some chatter on the forums I read online about a possible reform bill being pushed through on the Guatemalan side. In the long run, it may be positive. However, it the short term, it could really mess with the process. Hopefully, it will not pass!
We have been on the list for three months now - in some ways it has gone quickly - I just wish the list were at least moving! I am blessed to have an abundance of reasons to have much joy as we wait. Thanks to those of you who ask how things are going - as hard as it is to not have anything to report - it helps to know that people care!